
Electronic System Design Group

Documentation Status


FPGAFlow has been developed for use in a Linux based environment.


Required Software

The following software is required:

- Version
python >= 2.7.14
pipenv >= 2018.05.18
svn >= 1.9.0
git >= 1.8.0

Python Modules

Python Modules are handled by pipenv and stored in: ./scripts/python/fpgaflow/Pipfile

Module Version
breathe 4.11.0
colorlog 3.1.4
gitpython 2.1.11
lxml 4.3.0
numpy 1.16.0
pygments 2.2.0
pyyaml 3.13
releases 1.6.1
sphinx-rtd-theme 0.4.2
sphinx 1.8.2
svn 0.3.46
vunit_hdl 4.0.8

Additional Modules

The modules below can be installed from $REPO_ROOT/tools/<MODULE>/scripts/python/<MODULE>-<ORG>/dist/ using the *.tar.gz sdist source file.

pipenv_installer.py is provided in $REPO_ROOT/tools/<MODULE>/scripts/python/utils to aid the installation of additional modules from $REPO_ROOT/tools. See Utils.

Module Version
xml2vhdl-ox 0.1.16

Installed Tools

FPGAFlow assumes at least one version of either of the following tools are installed on the system where FPGAFlow is executed from:

  • Xilinx Vivado
  • Intel PSG Quartus Prime

FPGAFlow assumes at least one version of each of the following tools are installed on the system where FPGAFlow is executed:

  • Modelsim
  • doxygen
  • graphviz

Paths and licensing for these tools are configured in the config.yaml file passed to FPGAFlow using the --config argument (see Configuration for details).

Required Environment Variables

The following Environment Variables are required by FPGAFlow. These ensure that no personal locations are stored in version management systems (see: required:).

Sets the top-level root path where all projects/libraries will be checkout out to and processed from.
The username used to access user controlled private git cloud hosted repositories.
The username used to access user controlled private git server hosted repositories.
The username used to access user controlled private subversion repositories.
Path to the executable for the shell pipenv should run.
The root path to precompiled Modelsim libraries.

Installation Instructions

  1. Checkout/Clone FPGAFlow and xml2vhdl from their repositories:
git clone https://$BITBUCKET_USERNAME@bitbucket.org/mjroberts/fpgaflow.git $REPO_ROOT/tools/fpgaflow
git clone https://$BITBUCKET_USERNAME@bitbucket.org/ricch/xml2vhdl.git $REPO_ROOT/tools/xml2vhdl
  1. Create or Modify Configuration YAML file to add tool paths, versions and license paths to: $REPO_ROOT/tools/fpgaflow/scripts/python/fpgaflow/config/<YOUR_CONFIG>.yml (see Configuration for details).
  2. Create or Modify Settings YAML file to define project: $REPO_ROOT/tools/fpgaflow/settings/<YOUR_SETTINGS>.yml (see Settings for details).
  3. Navigate to path where FPGAFlow will be executed.
  4. Install the python virtual environment using pipenv_installer.py (see pipenv_installer.py) ensuring the version of python meets the Prerequisites.
pipenv_installer.py xml2vhdl-ox fpgaflow-stfc
  1. Run FPGAFLow using pipenv in shell or run:
pipenv shell
python ./projectflow.py --config ./config/<YOUR_CONFIG>.yml --settings ../../../settings/<YOUR_SETTINGS>.yml
## Or:
pipenv run python ./projectflow.py --config ./config/<YOUR_CONFIG>.yml --settings ../../../settings/<YOUR_SETTINGS>.yml