
Electronic System Design Group

Documentation Status

VUnit Integration

FPGAFlow uses VUnit to handle HDL libraries and dependencies for FPGA Vendor project generation and the simulation of HDL Modules. Configuration of VUnit is handled by the vunit_args: section of the Settings file.

Standard Libraries

Standard libraries are located in a precompiled area, so that they only require compiling once per version of Modelsim and FPGA tool version.

Currently the script compiles standard libraries for all families and libraries. However for each library to be added to the generated VUnit object it needs to be included in the corresponding list of simulation libraries under xilinx: or altera: in the Configuration file.

Standard libraries are generated in:



The values here are used by Tag Substitution replacing the <UPPERCASE> tags with corresponding values from the Settings file.

Project IP Libraries

Project specific IP libraries are generated in: