Source code for fpgavendor_iface

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-


`BSD`_ © 2018-2019 Science and Technology Facilities Council & contributors

.. _BSD: _static/LICENSE

```` is a module to handle the generation of FPGA projects and interfacing with
:mod:`vunit_iface`, to include the compilation of FPGA vendor simulation modules based on tool version and
FPGA device family.

import helpers.customlogging as log
import helpers.version as my_version
import helpers.funcs as funcs

import os
import shutil
import time
import datetime
from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError

logger = log.config_logger(name=__name__)
LOGLEVEL = log.LogLevelsConsts

rev = filter(str.isdigit, "$Rev$")  # Do Not Modify this Line
version = my_version.Version(0, 2, 0, svn_rev=rev, disable_svn_logging=True)
__version__ = version.get_version()
__str__ = my_version.about(__name__, __version__, version.revision)

[docs]class FpgaProject(object): """ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.logger = log.config_logger(name=__name__, class_name=self.__class__.__name__)'*' * 80)'** Generating FPGA Project...')'*' * 80) setattr(self, 'repo_root', funcs.get_kwarg('repo_root', kwargs, '')) build_path = funcs.get_kwarg('build_path', kwargs, None) rebuild_project = funcs.get_kwarg('rebuild_project', kwargs, True) setattr(self, 'in_bamboo', funcs.get_kwarg('in_bamboo', kwargs, False)) setattr(self, 'board_id', funcs.get_kwarg('board_id', kwargs, 0)) setattr(self, 'board_timestamp_enabled', funcs.get_kwarg('board_timestamp_enabled', kwargs, False)) if getattr(self, 'in_bamboo'): setattr(self, 'tcl_repo_root', '$env(bamboo_REPO_ROOT)') else: setattr(self, 'tcl_repo_root', '$env(REPO_ROOT)') if not build_path: self.logger.error('No Build Path Supplied. Can Not Create {self.__class__.__name__}' .format(self=self)) log.errorexit(self.logger) project_name = funcs.get_kwarg('project_name', kwargs, 'project') generation_script_name = funcs.get_kwarg('generation_script_name', kwargs, 'project_gen.tcl') generation_script_ext = '.tcl' project_extension = os.path.splitext(project_name)[1] if not generation_script_name.endswith(generation_script_ext): generation_script_name = generation_script_name + generation_script_ext project_file = os.path.join(build_path, project_name) setattr(self, 'project_file', project_file)'Project Name: {project_name}' .format(project_name=project_name))'Project Build Path: {build_path}' .format(build_path=build_path)) family = funcs.get_kwarg('family', kwargs, None) device = funcs.get_kwarg('device', kwargs, None) top_level_entity = funcs.get_kwarg('top_level_entity', kwargs, '') if isinstance(top_level_entity, (list, )): top_level_entity = top_level_entity[0]'Top-Level Entity: {top_level_entity}' .format(top_level_entity=top_level_entity)) hdl_src_files = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_src_files', kwargs, list()) hdl_tb_src_files = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_tb_files', kwargs, list()) ip_files = funcs.get_kwarg('ip_files', kwargs, list()) constraint_files = funcs.get_kwarg('constraint_files', kwargs, list()) if project_extension in ['.xpr']: vendor = 'xilinx' generate_script = self.create_vivado_project(project_name=project_name, build_path=build_path, top_level_entity=top_level_entity, hdl_files=hdl_src_files, ip_files=ip_files, constraint_files=constraint_files, family=family, device=device) elif project_extension in ['.qpf', '.qsf']: vendor = 'altera' generate_script = self.create_quartus_project(project_name=project_name, build_path=build_path, top_level_entity=top_level_entity, hdl_files=hdl_src_files, tb_hdl_file=hdl_tb_src_files, ip_files=ip_files, constraint_files=constraint_files, family=family, device=device) else: self.logger.error('Can Not Determine Vendor from Project File Extension: {file}' .format(file=project_name)) log.errorexit(self.logger) if generate_script: generation_script_file_path = build_path'Project Build Path: {path}' .format(path=generation_script_file_path)) if not os.path.exists(generation_script_file_path): self.logger.warning('Project Build Path Not Found. Creating: {path}' .format(path=generation_script_file_path)) os.makedirs(generation_script_file_path) elif rebuild_project:'Backing Up Existing Project Build Path: {path}' .format(path=generation_script_file_path)) self.backup_project(project_path=generation_script_file_path) else: self.logger.critical('Project Build Path Exists and Custom Changes Will be Overwritten ' 'Without Being Backed Up: {path}' .format(path=generation_script_file_path)) self.logger.critical("\tTo Prevent This Warning Use Argument: '--clean fpga' " "or '--clean all'") funcs.clean_path(path=generation_script_file_path)'Creating Project Generation Script: {script}' .format(script=generation_script_file_path))'Writing Project Generation Script File: {script}' .format(script=generation_script_file_path)) fp_generation_script = os.path.join(generation_script_file_path, generation_script_name) with open(fp_generation_script, 'w') as script_fp: for line in generate_script: script_fp.write(line + '\n') if vendor == 'xilinx': run_vivado(vivado_bin='vivado', mode='tcl', tcl_file=generation_script_file_path) elif vendor == 'altera': saved_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(generation_script_file_path) run_quartus_sh(tcl_file_name=fp_generation_script, script_mode=True) os.chdir(saved_path)'** Finished Generating FPGA Project')'*' * 80)
[docs] def get_project_file(self): """Gets the absolute path of the project file. Returns: str: Absolute path of project file. ``None`` if not found. """ return getattr(self, 'project_file', None)
[docs] def add_ip(self, **kwargs): """ Keyword Args: **vunit_obj (obj): A :mod:`vunit_iface.VunitProject` object. Default value: ```` **project_file (str): Absolute path to project file. **rebuild_project (bool, optional): If ``True`` rebuild existing project. Default value: ``False`` Returns: None """ vunit_obj = funcs.get_kwarg('vunit_obj', kwargs, project_file = funcs.get_kwarg('project_file', kwargs, False) rebuild_project = funcs.get_kwarg('rebuild_project', kwargs, False) if project_file and project_file != "": project_dir = os.path.split(project_file)[0] project_extension = os.path.splitext(project_file)[1] if os.path.exists(project_dir):'Found Project Directory: {project_dir}' .format(project_dir=project_dir)) if rebuild_project: self.backup_project_file(project_dir=project_dir) else: self.logger.warning('Overwriting Project: {file}' .format(file=project_file)) else:'Creating Project Directory: {project_dir}' .format(project_dir=project_dir)) os.makedirs(project_dir) else: self.logger.error('Incorrect Project File Supplied: {file}' .format(file=project_file)) log.errorexit(self.logger)'Processing Project File for Simulation: {project_file}' .format(project_file=project_file))
[docs] def backup_project(self, **kwargs): """Backup project using timestamp. Appends time stamp to the project directory in the form: ``_%Y%m%d%H%M%S`` and uses ``shutil.copytree()`` to backup the project. Then cleans the original directory (using ``shutil.rmtree()`` and remaking the location using: ``os.makedirs()``) Keyword Args: **project_path (str): Absolute path to project root. Returns: None """ project_path = funcs.get_kwarg('project_path', kwargs, False)'Backing Up Existing Project:') timestamp = time.time() backup_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('_%Y%m%d%H%M%S') backup_project_path = project_path + backup_timestamp'\tfrom: {project_path}' .format(project_path=project_path))'\tto : {project_path}' .format(project_path=backup_project_path)) shutil.copytree(project_path, backup_project_path)'Backed Up Project Directory and all its Contents to: {project_path}' .format(project_path=backup_project_path))'Cleaning Existing Project: {project_path}' .format(project_path=project_path)) funcs.clean_path(path=project_path)'Cleaned Project: {project_path}' .format(project_path=project_path))
[docs] def create_vivado_project(self, **kwargs): """Creates a ``vivado`` project using supplied settings. Keyword Args: **project_name (str, optional): Name of project file to generate. Default value: ``'project'`` **build_path (str): Absolute path to build location for generated project **target_language (str, optional): Target default language for the generated project. Default value: ``'VHDL'`` **top_level_entity (str): Top-level HDL entity name. **hdl_files_dict (dict): Dictionary of HDL libraries (keys) and list of absolute HDL files. **ip_files (list of str): List of absolute paths fof IP files to add to project. **constraint_files (list of str): List of absolute paths of constraints to add to project. Returns: None """ project_name, project_ext = os.path.splitext(funcs.get_kwarg('project_name', kwargs, 'project')) build_path = funcs.get_kwarg('build_path', kwargs, '').replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root) family = funcs.get_kwarg('family', kwargs, None) device = funcs.get_kwarg('device', kwargs, None) target_language = funcs.get_kwarg('target_language', kwargs, 'VHDL') top_level_entity = funcs.get_kwarg('top_level_entity', kwargs, '') hdl_files = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_files', kwargs, dict()) ip_files = funcs.get_kwarg('ip_files', kwargs, list()) constraint_files = funcs.get_kwarg('constraint_files', kwargs, list())'Generating Vivado Project...')'Project Name: {name}'.format(name=project_name))'FPGA Family: {family}' .format(family=family))'FPGA Device: {device}' .format(device=device)) project_file = os.path.join(build_path, (project_name + project_ext)) tcl_cmds_list = list(['#' * 80, '## Auto-Generated Script File, Do Not Modify', '#' * 80]) tcl_cmds_list.append('create_project {project} -force -part {device}' .format(project=project_file, device=device)) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property part {device} [current_project]' .format(device=device)) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property target_language {target_language} [current_project]' .format(target_language=target_language)) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property XPM_LIBRARIES {XPM_CDC XPM_FIFO XPM_MEMORY} [current_project]') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding Script Based Parameters:') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property generic g_board_id={self.board_id} [current_project]' .format(self=self)) if self.board_timestamp_enabled: timestamp = generate_timestamp()'Generated Timestamp: {timestamp}' .format(timestamp=generate_timestamp())) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property generic g_board_timestamp={timestamp} [current_project]' .format(timestamp=timestamp)) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding HDL Source File(s):') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) for src_file_obj in hdl_files: hdl_file = src_file_obj[1].replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root) tcl_cmds_list.append('add_files -norecurse "{hdl_file}"' .format(hdl_file=hdl_file)) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property library {lib} [get_files {hdl_file}]' .format(lib=src_file_obj[0], hdl_file=hdl_file)) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding IP Source File(s):') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) for ip in ip_files: ext = os.path.splitext(ip)[-1].lower() if ext == '.xci': tcl_cmds_list.append('add_files -norecurse "{ip}"' .format(ip=ip.replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root))) else: self.logger.critical('Unsupported IP File Type ({ext}): {ip}' .format(ext=ext, ip=ip)) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding Constraints File(s):') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) for constr in constraint_files: ext = os.path.splitext(constr)[-1].lower() if ext == '.xdc': tcl_cmds_list.append('add_files -fileset constrs_1 -norecurse "{constr}"' .format(constr=constr.replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root))) else: self.logger.critical('Unsupported Constraint File Type ({ext}): {constr}' .format(ext=ext, constr=constr)) # \todo Add Pre/Post Scripts Here. # tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property STEPS.SYNTH_DESIGN.TCL.PRE "{pre_synth}" [get_runs synth_1]' # .format(pre_synth=pre_synth)) # tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property STEPS.SYNTH_DESIGN.TCL.POST "{post_synth}" [get_runs synth_1]' # .format(post_synth=post_synth)) # tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property STEPS.OPT_DESIGN.TCL.PRE "{pre_opt}" get_runs impl_1]' # .format(pre_opt=pre_opt)) # tcl_cmds_list.append('set_property STEPS.OPT_DESIGN.TCL.POST "{post_opt}" get_runs impl_1]' # .format(post_opt=post_opt)) tcl_cmds_list.append('quit')'#' * 80)'Project Generation Script:') for line in tcl_cmds_list:'#' * 80) return tcl_cmds_list
[docs] def create_quartus_project(self, **kwargs): """Creates a ``quartus`` project using supplied settings. Copy constraints from ``.qsf`` file line-by-line directly, ignoring blank and commented lines, into project file replacing any instance of ``$REPO_PATH`` with ``$env(REPO_ROOT)``. Leaves the original constraints file untouched, which should have the same effect as having sourced the constraints file. Keyword Args: **project_name (str, optional): Name of project file to generate. Default value: ``'project'`` **build_path (str): Absolute path to build location for generated project **target_language (str, optional): Target default language for the generated project. Default value: ``'VHDL_2008'`` **top_level_entity (str): Top-level HDL entity name. **hdl_files (list of tuples): containing HDL libraries and absolute path to HDL file. **tb_hdl_file (list of tuples): containing HDL libraries and absolute path to Test Bench HDL file. **ip_files (list of str): List of absolute paths fof IP files to add to project. **constraint_files (list of str): List of absolute paths of constraints to add to project. Returns: None """ project_name = os.path.splitext(funcs.get_kwarg('project_name', kwargs, 'project'))[0] build_path = funcs.get_kwarg('build_path', kwargs, '').replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root) family = funcs.get_kwarg('family', kwargs, None) device = funcs.get_kwarg('device', kwargs, None) target_language = funcs.get_kwarg('target_language', kwargs, 'VHDL_2008') top_level_entity = funcs.get_kwarg('top_level_entity', kwargs, '') hdl_files = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_files', kwargs, list()) tb_hdl_file = funcs.get_kwarg('tb_hdl_file', kwargs, list()) ip_files = funcs.get_kwarg('ip_files', kwargs, list()) constraint_files = funcs.get_kwarg('constraint_files', kwargs, list())'Generating Quartus Project...')'Project Name: {name}'.format(name=project_name))'FPGA Family: {family}' .format(family=family))'FPGA Device: {device}' .format(device=device)) tcl_cmds_list = list(['#' * 80, '## Auto-Generated Project File, Do Not Modify', '#' * 80]) tcl_cmds_list.append('package require ::quartus::project') tcl_cmds_list.append('project_new -family "{family}" -part {device} {project_name}' .format(family=family, device=device, project_name=project_name)) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY {output_path}' .format(output_path=os.path.join(build_path, 'output'))) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name VHDL_INPUT_VERSION {vhdl_version}' .format(vhdl_version=target_language)) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY {top_level}' .format(top_level=top_level_entity.replace("'", ""))) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding Script Based Parameters:') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_parameter -name g_board_id {self.board_id}' .format(self=self)) if self.board_timestamp_enabled: timestamp = generate_timestamp()'Generated Timestamp: {timestamp}' .format(timestamp=generate_timestamp())) tcl_cmds_list.append('set_parameter -name g_board_timestamp {timestamp}' .format(timestamp=timestamp)) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding HDL Source File(s):') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) for src_file_obj in hdl_files: tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE {hdl_file} -library {lib}' .format(hdl_file=src_file_obj[1].replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root), lib=src_file_obj[0])) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding Top-Level Test-Bench HDL Source File(s):') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) for tb_src_file_obj in tb_hdl_file: tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name VHDL_TEST_BENCH_FILE {hdl_file} -library {lib}' .format(hdl_file=tb_src_file_obj[1].replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root), lib=tb_src_file_obj[0])) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding IP Source File(s):') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) for ip in ip_files: ext = os.path.splitext(ip)[-1].lower() if ext == '.qsys': tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name QSYS_FILE {ip}' .format(ip=ip.replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root))) elif ext == '.ip': tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name IP_FILE {ip}' .format(ip=ip.replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root))) elif ext == '.qip': tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE {ip}' .format(ip=ip.replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root))) else: self.logger.critical('Unsupported IP File Type ({ext}): {ip}' .format(ext=ext, ip=ip)) tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) tcl_cmds_list.append('## Adding Constraints File(s):') tcl_cmds_list.append('#' * 80) for constr in constraint_files: ext = os.path.splitext(constr)[-1].lower() if ext == '.qsf': with open(constr) as f: for line in f: if line.strip(): for r in [self.repo_root, '$REPO_ROOT']: modified_line = line.rstrip().replace(r, self.tcl_repo_root) if modified_line.startswith('##'): self.logger.debug('{old} -> {new}' .format(old=line, new=modified_line)) tcl_cmds_list.append(modified_line) elif not modified_line.startswith('#'): self.logger.debug('{old} -> {new}' .format(old=line, new=modified_line)) tcl_cmds_list.append(modified_line) elif ext == '.sdc': tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE {constr}' .format(constr=constr.replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root))) elif ext == '.tcl': tcl_cmds_list.append('set_global_assignment -name TCL_SCRIPT_FILE {constr}' .format(constr=constr.replace(self.repo_root, self.tcl_repo_root))) else: self.logger.critical('Unsupported Constraint File Type ({ext}): {constr}' .format(ext=ext, constr=constr)) # \todo Add Pre/Post Scripts Here. tcl_cmds_list.append('export_assignments')'#' * 80)'Project Generation Script:') for line in tcl_cmds_list:'#' * 80) return tcl_cmds_list
[docs]def generate_timestamp(): """Generates a Unix 32 Bit Time Stamp from the systems time as an integer value. Returns: str: Timestamp as an integer for conversion to a VHDL `unsigned` ``std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)``. """ return int(time.time())
[docs]def resolve_tool_version(**kwargs): """Resolves the tool_version based on vendor Keyword Args: tool_version (str): Version of tool to resolve. vendor (str, optional): Vendor name. Valid values: ``'altera'``, ``'xilinx'``. Default ``'xilinx'`` Returns: str: The resolved ``tool_version`` when successful, otherwise ``False`` """ vendor = funcs.get_kwarg('vendor', kwargs, 'xilinx') tool_version = funcs.get_kwarg('tool_version', kwargs, None) if tool_version: if vendor == 'altera': return 'quartus_{version}_{release}'.format(version=os.path.split(tool_version)[0], release=os.path.split(tool_version)[1]) else: return 'vivado_{release}'.format(release=tool_version) else: return False
[docs]def run_vivado(**kwargs): """Runs ``vivado`` in specified mode. When running in ``'gui'`` mode, the tcl_file keyword argument is the project file to open. .. note:: The ``shell=True`` in ``check_call`` is important in windows where ``vivado`` is just a bat file. Keyword Args: **vivado_bin (str, optional): Name of executable to run vivado. Default value: ``'vivado'`` **mode (str, optional): Name of the mode to run. Valid values: ``'batch'``, ``'tcl'`` or ``'gui'``. Default value: ``'batch'`` **tcl_file_name (str): Absolute path to the ``tcl`` script used by ``vivado`` when running in ``'tcl'`` mode, and the project file to open when running in ``'gui'`` mode. **tcl_args (str, optional): Additional positional arguments needed to execute ``tcl_file_name`` Default value: ``None`` Returns: None """ vivado_bin = funcs.get_kwarg('vivado_bin', kwargs, 'vivado') mode = funcs.get_kwarg('mode', kwargs, 'batch') tcl_file_name = funcs.get_kwarg('tcl_file_name', kwargs, None) tcl_args = funcs.get_kwarg('tcl_args', kwargs, None) cmd = "{vivado_bin} -nojournal -nolog -notrace".format(vivado_bin=vivado_bin) cmd += " -mode {mode} ".format(mode=mode) if mode == 'gui': cmd += " {tcl_file}".format(tcl_file=os.path.abspath(tcl_file_name)) else: cmd += " -source {tcl_file}".format(tcl_file=os.path.abspath(tcl_file_name)) if tcl_args is not None: cmd += " -tclargs " + " ".join([str(val) for val in tcl_args])'Executing: {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd)) check_call(cmd, shell=True)
[docs]def run_quartus_sh(**kwargs): """Runs ``quartus_sh`` to execute compilation for standard HDL simulation libraries. Keyword Args: **quartus_bin (str, optional): Name of executable to run quartus. Default value: ``'quartus_sh'`` **script_mode (bool, optional): Run ``quartus_sh`` in script mode. Default value: ``False`` ** **tool (str): Name of the tool to run. Should be derived from: ``simulator_class = SIMULATOR_FACTORY.select_simulator()`` ``simname =`` **language (str, optional): Valid options: ``'verilog'`` or ``'vhdl'``. Default value: ``'vhdl'`` **modelsim_path (str): Absolute path to the version of Modelsim to use to compile standard HDL libraries. **output_path (str): Absolute path where to compile standard HDL libraries. **tcl_file_name (str): Absolute path to the ``tcl`` script used by ``vivado`` **tcl_args (str, optional): Additional positional arguments needed to execute ``tcl_file_name`` Default value: ``None`` **gui (bool, optional): Runs Quartus in GUI Mode. Default value: ``False`` **project_file (str): Absolute path to project file. Returns: None """ quartus_bin = funcs.get_kwarg('quartus_bin', kwargs, "quartus_sh") script_mode = funcs.get_kwarg('script_mode', kwargs, False) gui = funcs.get_kwarg('gui', kwargs, False) tool = funcs.get_kwarg('tool', kwargs, "quartus") language = funcs.get_kwarg('language', kwargs, "vhdl") modelsim_path = funcs.get_kwarg('modelsim_path', kwargs, None) output_path = funcs.get_kwarg('output_path', kwargs, None) tcl_file_name = funcs.get_kwarg('tcl_file_name', kwargs, None) tcl_args = funcs.get_kwarg('tcl_args', kwargs, None) project_file = funcs.get_kwarg('project_file', kwargs, None) if gui: cmd = "{quartus_bin}".format(quartus_bin=quartus_bin) if project_file: cmd += " {project_file}".format(project_file=project_file) elif not script_mode: cmd = "{quartus_bin} --simlib_comp".format(quartus_bin=quartus_bin) cmd += " -tool {tool}".format(tool=tool) cmd += " -language {language}".format(language=language) cmd += " -tool_path {modelsim_path}".format(modelsim_path=modelsim_path) cmd += " -directory {output_path}".format(output_path=output_path) cmd += " -family all" cmd += " -rtl_only" else:'Running {quartus_bin} in Script Mode...' .format(quartus_bin=quartus_bin)) cmd = "{quartus_bin} -t {tcl_file_name} -v".format(quartus_bin=quartus_bin, tcl_file_name=tcl_file_name) if tcl_args is not None: cmd += " -tclargs " + " ".join([str(val) for val in tcl_args])'Executing: {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd)) check_call(cmd, shell=True)
[docs]def run_ip_setup_simulation(**kwargs): """Executes the Quartus ``run-ip-setup-simulation`` Executes the ``run-ip-setup-simulation`` to gather simulation setup commands for all Vendor IP libraries used in current design. Keyword Args: **exe (str, optional): Executable to run. Default value: ``'ip-setup-simulation'`` **project_file (str): Absolute path to project file to process. **output_path (str): Absolute path where output files are generated. Returns: None """ exe = funcs.get_kwarg('exe', kwargs, "ip-setup-simulation") project_file = funcs.get_kwarg('project_file', kwargs, None) output_path = funcs.get_kwarg('output_path', kwargs, None) if not project_file: logger.critical('No Project File Supplied. Vendor IP Simulation Files Not Processed') return None if not output_path: logger.critical('No Output Path Supplied. Vendor IP Simulation Files Not Processed') return None if os.path.isfile(project_file): cmd = "{exe}".format(exe=exe) cmd += " --quartus-project={project_file}".format(project_file=project_file) cmd += " --output-directory={output_path}".format(output_path=output_path)'Executing: {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd)) try: check_call(cmd, shell=True) except CalledProcessError: logger.critical('Failed to Generate Simulation Files for Vendor IP (see Report Above): ' '{project_file}' .format(project_file=project_file)) else: logger.critical('Can Not Find Project File: {project_file}' .format(project_file=project_file))
[docs]def run_ip_generate(**kwargs): """Executes the Quartus ``qsys-generate`` Executes the ``qsys-generate`` to generate Quartus IP. Keyword Args: **exe (str, optional): Executable to run. Default value: ``'qsys-generate'`` **ip_file (str): Absolute path to IP file to generate. **output_path (str): Absolute path where output files are generated. **synth (bool, optional): generate for synthesis if ``True`` otherwise generate for simulation. Default value: ``True`` **synth_language (str, optional): HDL language used to generate synthesis files. Valid values: ``'VHDL'`` or ``'VERILOG'``. Default value: ``'VERILOG'`` **sim_language (str, optional): HDL language used to generate simulation files. Valid values: ``'VHDL'`` or ``'VERILOG'``. Default value: ``'VHDL'`` **family (str, optional): FPGA Family. Default value: ``False`` **device (str, optional): FPGA Device. Default value: ``False`` **clean (bool, optional): Cleans IP Path Prior to Generating IP. Default value: ``False`` Returns: None """ exe = funcs.get_kwarg('exe', kwargs, "qsys-generate") ip_file = funcs.get_kwarg('ip_file', kwargs, None) synth = funcs.get_kwarg('synth', kwargs, True) synth_language = funcs.get_kwarg('synth_language', kwargs, 'VERILOG') sim_language = funcs.get_kwarg('sim_language', kwargs, 'VHDL') family = funcs.get_kwarg('family', kwargs, False) device = funcs.get_kwarg('device', kwargs, False) output_path = funcs.get_kwarg('output_path', kwargs, None) clean = funcs.get_kwarg('clean', kwargs, False) if not ip_file: logger.critical('No IP File Supplied. Vendor IP Simulation Files Not Generated') return None if not output_path: logger.critical('No Output Path Supplied. Vendor IP Not Generated') return None if clean:'Cleaning IP Output Path: {output_path}'.format(output_path=output_path)) funcs.clean_path(path=output_path) if os.path.isfile(ip_file): cmd = "{exe}".format(exe=exe) cmd += " {ip_file}".format(ip_file=ip_file) if synth: cmd += " --synthesis={synth_language}".format(synth_language=synth_language) else: cmd += " --simulation={sim_language}".format(sim_language=sim_language) cmd += " --allow-mixed-language-simulation" cmd += " --output-directory={output_path}".format(output_path=output_path) if family: cmd += ' --family="{family}"'.format(family=family) if device: cmd += ' --part="{device}"'.format(device=device)'Executing: {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd)) try: check_call(cmd, shell=True) except CalledProcessError: logger.critical('Vendor IP Not Generated (see Report Above): {ip_file}' .format(ip_file=ip_file)) else: logger.critical('Can Not Find Vendor IP File: {ip_file}' .format(ip_file=ip_file))
if __name__ == '__main__': pass else: