Source code for funcs

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`BSD`_ © 2018-2019 Science and Technology Facilities Council & contributors

.. _BSD: _static/LICENSE

```` is a helpers module to provide functions commonly used throughout.

import os
import shutil
import re
import version as my_version
import customlogging as log
logger = log.config_logger(name=__name__)

rev = filter(str.isdigit, "$Rev$")  # Do Not Modify this Line
version = my_version.Version(0, 2, 0, svn_rev=rev, disable_svn_logging=True)
__version__ = version.get_version()
__str__ = my_version.about(__name__, __version__, version.revision)

[docs]class Const(object): """Allows attributes to be treated like constants where they can be set one time only. Raises: ConstError if attribute already exists. """
[docs] class ConstError(TypeError): pass
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self.__dict__: raise self.ConstError, "Cannot Reassign Attribute: {}.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, name) self.__dict__[name] = value
[docs]def set_kwargs(obj, kwargs): """Sets attributes to specified existing object. Args: obj (str): name of the object to assign attribute(s). kwargs (dict): dictionary of key, values, where key is the attribute and value is the vaule to assign Returns: None """ if kwargs: for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(obj, k, v)
[docs]def get_kwarg(arg, kwargs, default): """Finds arg in kwargs and returns the value. If arg is not found return the provided default value. Args: arg (str): Name of argument to extract kwargs (dict): Dictionary of keys, values to find and return ``arg`` value from. default: The value to assign if ``arg`` is not a key in ``kwargs`` Returns: ``default`` """ if arg in kwargs: return kwargs[arg] else: return default
[docs]def validate_file(f, touch=False): """Checks the given file exists on the file-system. If touch is True, create the file if it is missing. Args: f (str): Full path, including file name, of the file to validate. touch (bool, optional): If set creates an empty file if not found on the file-system. Default value: ``False`` Returns: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise. """ basedir = os.path.dirname(f) if os.path.exists(f):'Found File: {}' .format(f)) return True else: logger.critical('File Missing on System: {}' .format(f)) if touch:'Creating File: {}' .format(f)) if not os.path.exists(basedir): os.makedirs(basedir) with open(f, 'a'): os.utime(f, None) return True else: return False
[docs]def replace_tag_with_attr_value(obj, tag): """Replaces a ``<TAG>`` with a corresponding attribute value. Looks for ``<TAG>`` (enclosed in <>) in tag string passed to the function, and if found returns a string with the tag replaced by the value as ``obj.<TAG>`` attribute. If the attribute exists but is not populated with a value an "empty" string ``''`` is returned. This allows all <TAG> options in the layout configuration to be optional. Args: obj (obj): Object to assign replaced ``<TAG>`` as attribute. tag (str): string to check for sub-strings enclosed in ``<>``. Returns: (str): An empty string if corresponding attribute for the ``<TAG>`` is **not** found; or the corresponding attribute if found; or the original ``<TAG>`` if anything else. """ if '<' in tag and '>' in tag: attribute_tag = strip_tag(tag) obj.logger.debug('Processing {tag}: {attribute_tag}' .format(tag=tag, attribute_tag=attribute_tag)) else: obj.logger.debug('Not a Valid Tag: {tag}' .format(tag=tag)) return tag if hasattr(obj, attribute_tag): if not getattr(obj, attribute_tag): obj.logger.critical('Attribute Not Found: {attribute_tag}' .format(attribute_tag=attribute_tag)) return '' else: obj.logger.debug('Valid Tag {tag}: {attribute_tag}' .format(tag=tag, attribute_tag=attribute_tag)) resolved_attr = str(getattr(obj, attribute_tag)) obj.logger.debug('Resolved Attribute from Tag: {resolved_attr}' .format(resolved_attr=resolved_attr)) return re.sub('(<[^>]+>)', resolved_attr, tag) else: obj.logger.critical('Attribute Not Found: {attribute_tag}' .format(attribute_tag=attribute_tag)) return tag
[docs]def strip_tag(tag): """Removes the ``<`` and ``>`` from tag and returns the lowercase string enclosed. Args: tag (str): UPPERCASE tag enclosed in ``<`` and ``>`` Returns: (str): lowercase ``TAG`` with ``<`` and ``>`` stripped. """ stripped_tag = (tag[tag.find('<') + 1:tag.find('>')]).lower() return stripped_tag
[docs]def readfile_as_list(full_path): """Takes a full-path to file and returns the contents as a list. Args: full_path (str): Full path, including file name, of the file to read from. Returns: (list): Line-by-line list of file contents. """ if os.path.isfile(full_path): with open(full_path) as f: return f.readlines() else: logger.critical('File Does Not Exist on File-System: {file}' .format(file=full_path)) return False
[docs]def writefile_as_list(full_path, contents): """Takes a list and writes contents line-by-line to file. Args: full_path (str): Full path, including file name, of the file to write. contents (list): Line-by-line list of contents to write. Returns: None """ if os.path.isfile(full_path): logger.warning('Overwriting: {f}' .format(f=full_path)) else:'Writing: {f}' .format(f=full_path)) with open(full_path, 'w') as f: for line in contents: f.write('{line}\n'.format(line=line.rstrip()))
[docs]def copy_files_from_dir(src_path, dst_path): """Copy files from source directory to destination directory. Uses ``shutil.copy2`` to copy files recursively from one directory to another directory. Args: src_path (str): Full-path of the source directory. dst_path (str): Full-path of the destination directory. Returns: None """ files = list() for root, subpaths, filenames in os.walk(src_path): for f in filenames: files.append(os.path.join(root, f)) for f in files:'\t{f}'.format(f=f)) shutil.copy2(f, dst_path)
[docs]def clean_path(**kwargs): """Cleans given path, by removing and recreating empty path. Keyword Args: **path (str): Absolute path to clean. Returns: None """ path = get_kwarg('path', kwargs, False) if path and path != "": if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path)