Source code for vunit_iface

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-


`BSD`_ © 2018-2019 Science and Technology Facilities Council & contributors

.. _BSD: _static/LICENSE

```` is a module to handle interfacing and utilising external ``VUnit`` module.

See `VUnit Documentation <>`_.

import helpers.customlogging as log
import helpers.arguments as arguments
import helpers.version as my_version
import helpers.funcs as funcs
import fpgavendor_iface as fpgavendor_iface

import os
import collections
from vunit import VUnit
from vunit.simulator_factory import SIMULATOR_FACTORY

logger = log.config_logger(name=__name__)
LOGLEVEL = log.LogLevelsConsts

rev = filter(str.isdigit, "$Rev$")  # Do Not Modify this Line
version = my_version.Version(0, 3, 0, svn_rev=rev, disable_svn_logging=True)
__version__ = version.get_version()
__str__ = my_version.about(__name__, __version__, version.revision)

[docs]class VUnitProject(object): """VUnit Project is a VUnit object used to configure and execute simulation test-cases. Keyword Args: **simulation_path (str): Absolute simulation root path for the VUnit project. **sim_pre_compiled_libs (str): Absolute path to the location for precompiled simulation libraries. **fpga_vendor (str): FPGA Vendor. Used to determine build and precompiled library locations. Valid values: ``'xilinx'`` and ``altera'``. Default value: ``'xilinx'`` **fpga_toolversion (str): FPGA Tool Version. Used to determine build and precompiled library locations. **sim_version (str): Simulation Version. Used to determine build and precompiled library locations. **hdl_lib_file_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary containing library keys and absolute paths to HDL files for each library. Default value: ``dict()`` **tb_hdl_lib_file_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary containing library keys and absolute paths to test-bench HDL files for each library. Default value: ``dict()`` **args (obj, optional): ``argparse`` object containing arguments passed to script. If one is not supplied it will be generated here. **use_osvvm (bool, optional): Use OSVVM Components. Default value ``False`` **use_verification_components (bool, optional): Use ``VUnit`` Verification Components. Default value ``False`` **settings_file (str): Absolute path to settings YAML file, used in logs. **clean_precompiled_libs (bool, optional): If ``True`` clean precompiled standard simulation libraries for the current project. Default value: ``False`` **msim_64bit (bool, optional): If ``False`` uses -32bit flag to execute Modelsim. **hdl_sim_libs (dict): Dictionary of Vendor Standard HDL Libraries to add to VUnit. **modelsim_installdir (str, optional): Absolute path to the Modelsim install directory. Used when compiling ``altera`` standard libraries. **repo_root (str): Absolute path to the resolved system environment variable ``$REPO_ROOT``. Attributes: vu (obj): The VUnit object. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.logger = log.config_logger(name=__name__, class_name=self.__class__.__name__) simulation_path = funcs.get_kwarg('simulation_path', kwargs, '') sim_pre_compiled_libs_path = funcs.get_kwarg('sim_pre_compiled_libs_path', kwargs, '') clean_precompiled_libs = funcs.get_kwarg('clean_precompiled_libs', kwargs, False) fpga_vendor = funcs.get_kwarg('fpga_vendor', kwargs, 'xilinx') fpga_toolversion = funcs.get_kwarg('fpga_toolversion', kwargs, '') sim_version = funcs.get_kwarg('sim_version', kwargs, '') settings_file = funcs.get_kwarg('settings_file', kwargs, '') msim_64bit = funcs.get_kwarg('msim_64bit', kwargs, False) hdl_sim_libs = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_sim_libs', kwargs, dict()) modelsim_installdir = funcs.get_kwarg('modelsim_installdir', kwargs, '') setattr(self, 'repo_root', funcs.get_kwarg('repo_root', kwargs, None)) setattr(self, 'fpga_vendor', fpga_vendor) setattr(self, 'fpga_toolversion', fpga_toolversion) self.logger.debug('Simulation Output Path: {simulation_path}' .format(simulation_path=simulation_path)) self.logger.debug('Simulation Precompiled Library Path: {sim_pre_compiled_libs_path}' .format(sim_pre_compiled_libs_path=sim_pre_compiled_libs_path)) self.logger.debug('FPGA Vendor: {self.fpga_vendor}' .format(self=self)) self.logger.debug('FPGA Tool Version: {self.fpga_toolversion}' .format(self=self)) self.logger.debug('Simulation Tool Version: {sim_version}' .format(sim_version=sim_version)) setattr(self, 'sim_pre_compiled_libs_path', os.path.join(sim_pre_compiled_libs_path, self.fpga_vendor, self.fpga_toolversion, sim_version)) setattr(self, 'simulation_path', os.path.join(simulation_path, sim_version))'[VUnit] Simulation Path: {self.simulation_path}' .format(self=self))'[VUnit] Precompiled Libraries Path: {self.sim_pre_compiled_libs_path}' .format(self=self)) hdl_lib_file_dict = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_lib_file_dict', kwargs, dict()) tb_hdl_lib_file_dict = funcs.get_kwarg('tb_hdl_lib_file_dict', kwargs, dict()) args = funcs.get_kwarg('args', kwargs, arguments.Arguments()) use_osvvm = funcs.get_kwarg('use_osvvm', kwargs, False) use_verification_components = funcs.get_kwarg('use_verification_components', kwargs, False) vunit_output_path = os.path.join(self.simulation_path, getattr(args, 'output_path', 'vunit_output')) vunit_xml_report = os.path.join(vunit_output_path, getattr(args, 'xunit_xml', 'xunit_report.xml')) if getattr(args, 'export_json') and getattr(args, 'export_json') != "": vunit_export_json = os.path.join(vunit_output_path, getattr(args, 'export_json', 'export_json.json')) else: vunit_export_json = None if getattr(args, 'with_attributes') and isinstance(getattr(args, 'with_attributes'), list): vunit_with_attributes = [i for i in getattr(args, 'with_attributes') if i != ""] elif getattr(args, 'with_attributes') and getattr(args, 'with_attributes') != "": vunit_with_attributes = [getattr(args, 'with_attributes')] else: vunit_with_attributes = None if getattr(args, 'without_attributes') and isinstance(getattr(args, 'without_attributes'), list): vunit_without_attributes = [i for i in getattr(args, 'without_attributes') if i != ""] elif getattr(args, 'without_attributes') and getattr(args, 'without_attributes') != "": vunit_without_attributes = [getattr(args, 'without_attributes')] else: vunit_without_attributes = None'[VUnit] Output Path: {path}' .format(path=vunit_output_path))'[VUnit] XML Report: {path}' .format(path=vunit_xml_report))'[VUnit] Export JSON: {path}' .format(path=vunit_export_json))'[VUnit] With Attributes: {attrs}' .format(attrs=vunit_with_attributes))'[VUnit] Without Attributes: {attrs}' .format(attrs=vunit_without_attributes)) setattr(args, 'output_path', vunit_output_path) setattr(args, 'xunit_xml', vunit_xml_report) setattr(args, 'export_json', vunit_export_json) setattr(args, 'with_attributes', vunit_with_attributes) setattr(args, 'without_attributes', vunit_without_attributes) setattr(self, 'vu', VUnit.from_args(args=args)) # setattr(self, 'vu', VUnit.from_argv()) if use_osvvm:'[VUnit] Enabling OSVVM') if use_verification_components:'[VUnit] Using VUnit Verification Components') self.add_hdl_files(hdl_lib_file_dict=hdl_lib_file_dict) self.add_hdl_files(hdl_lib_file_dict=tb_hdl_lib_file_dict) self.compile_standard_libraries(sim_pre_compiled_libs=self.sim_pre_compiled_libs_path, standard_lib_subpath='standard', fpga_vendor=self.fpga_vendor, settings_file=settings_file, clean=clean_precompiled_libs, msim_64bit=msim_64bit, hdl_sim_libs=hdl_sim_libs, modelsim_installdir=modelsim_installdir) def get_compile_order(self, **kwargs): top_level_file = funcs.get_kwarg('top_level_file', kwargs, '') top_level_lib = funcs.get_kwarg('top_level_lib', kwargs, '') if os.path.isfile(top_level_file): source_file_obj =, top_level_lib) ordered_source_files =[source_file_obj]) return ordered_source_files else: return None
[docs] def add_hdl_files(self, **kwargs): """Adds HDL Files to corresponding library. Keyword Args: **hdl_lib_file_dict (dict): A dictionary containing library keys and absolute paths to files for each library. Returns: None """ hdl_lib_file_dict = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_lib_file_dict', kwargs, dict()) if isinstance(hdl_lib_file_dict, (dict, )):'[VUnit] Adding Files to Corresponding Library:') for k, v in hdl_lib_file_dict.items(): lib =, allow_duplicate=True) for f in v:'[VUnit]\t{lib}.{file}'.format(lib=k, file=f)) lib.add_source_file(f, no_parse=False)
[docs] def setup_simulation_options(self, **kwargs): """Sets up the compile and sim options. Keyword Args: **glbl (bool, optional): Include glbl dependency. Default value: ``False`` **glbl_lib (str, optional): Library to add glbl to. Default value: ``'xil_defaultlib'`` Returns: None """ glbl = funcs.get_kwarg('glbl', kwargs, False) glbl_lib = funcs.get_kwarg('glbl_lib', kwargs, 'xil_defaultlib')'[VUnit] Setting Modelsim Compilation and Simulation Flags...')"disable_ieee_warnings", True, allow_empty=True) if self.fpga_vendor == 'xilinx':"modelsim.vlog_flags", ["-O0", "+define+den1024Mb", "+define+SIM_SPEED_UP"]) if glbl and isinstance(glbl_lib, (str, )) and glbl_lib != '': glbl_flag = glbl_lib + ".glbl""modelsim.vsim_flags", ["-t ps", "-coverage", "-voptargs=+acc", glbl_flag], allow_empty=True) else:"modelsim.vsim_flags", ["-t ps", "-coverage", "-voptargs=+acc"], allow_empty=True) elif self.fpga_vendor == 'altera':"modelsim.vlog_flags", ["+define+den1024Mb"])"modelsim.vsim_flags", ["-t ps", "+nowarnTFMPC", "-voptargs=+acc"], allow_empty=True) #"modelsim.vsim_flags", # ["-t ps -pli", "+nowarnTFMPC", "-voptargs=+acc"], allow_empty=True) else:"modelsim.vlog_flags", ["-O0", "+define+den1024Mb", "+define+SIM_SPEED_UP"])"modelsim.vsim_flags", ["-t ps", "-coverage", "-voptargs=+acc"], allow_empty=True)'[VUnit] Done Setting Modelsim Compilation and Simulation Flags')
[docs] def configure_gui(self, **kwargs): """Pre-processing of additional simulation init file to use when GUI mode is enabled. Keyword Args: **sim_init_script (str): Absolute path to initialisation file for GUI mode. **repo_root (str): Replacement str for $REPO_ROOT. Returns: None """ sim_init_script = funcs.get_kwarg('sim_init_script', kwargs, False) repo_root = funcs.get_kwarg('repo_root', kwargs, False) if sim_init_script and sim_init_script != "":'[VUnit] Pre-processing GUI Init Script: {file}' .format(file=sim_init_script)) resolved_gui_init_script = self.resolve_gui_init_script(sim_init_script=sim_init_script, repo_root=repo_root) if resolved_gui_init_script:'[VUnit] Adding Simulation GUI Initialisation Script to Simulation: {file}' .format(file=resolved_gui_init_script))"modelsim.init_file.gui", resolved_gui_init_script, allow_empty=True)
[docs] def resolve_gui_init_script(self, **kwargs): """Parses Simulation GUI Initialisation Script There appears to be an issue with Modelsim directly using $env(REPO_ROOT) in scripts passed from ``VUnit`` to Modelsim, so this workaround creates a file with ``REPO_ROOT`` resolved and uses the created resolved file instead: Keyword Args: **sim_init_script (str): Absolute path to initialisation file to resolve. **repo_root (str): Replacement str for $REPO_ROOT. Returns: str: """ sim_init_script = funcs.get_kwarg('sim_init_script', kwargs, False) repo_root = funcs.get_kwarg('repo_root', kwargs, False) if sim_init_script and sim_init_script != "": try: with open(sim_init_script) as f: init_cmds = f.readlines() init_cmds = [x.strip() for x in init_cmds] resolved_init_cmds = list()'[VUnit] Resolving $REPO_ROOT in Simulation Initialisation File: {file}' .format(file=sim_init_script)) for cmd in init_cmds: resolved_cmd = cmd.replace('$env(REPO_ROOT)', repo_root) resolved_init_cmds.append(resolved_cmd) self.logger.debug('\t{} --> {}' .format(cmd, resolved_cmd)) sim_init_temp_file = os.path.splitext(sim_init_script) sim_init_temp_file = sim_init_temp_file[0] + '_resolved' + sim_init_temp_file[1]'[VUnit] Writing Resolved Simulation Initialisation File: {file}' .format(file=sim_init_temp_file)) with open(sim_init_temp_file, 'w') as f: for cmd in resolved_init_cmds: f.write('{line}\n' .format(line=cmd)) return sim_init_temp_file except TypeError: self.logger.critical('[VUnit] Could Not Open Simulation Init File: {file}' .format(file=sim_init_script)) return False else: return False
[docs] def compile_standard_libraries(self, **kwargs): """Compiles Standard Simulation Libraries This method is derived from : `VUnit supplied example <>`_ Keyword Args: **sim_pre_compiled_libs (str, optional): Absolute path to the location for precompiled simulation libraries. Default value: ``self.sim_pre_compiled_libs_path`` **standard_lib_subpath (str, optional): Name of standard library subpath. Default value: ``'standard'`` **fpga_vendor (str): FPGA Vendor. Valid values: ``'xilinx'`` or ``'altera'``. **settings_file (str): Absolute path to settings YAML file, used in logs. **clean (bool, optional): If ``True`` cleans the standard library path. Default value: ``False`` **msim_64bit (bool, optional): If ``False`` uses -32bit flag to execute Modelsim. Default value: ``False`` **hdl_sim_libs (dict): Dictionary of Vendor Standard HDL Libraries to add to VUnit. **modelsim_installdir (str, optional): Absolute path to the Modelsim install directory. Used when compiling ``altera`` standard libraries. Returns: bool: ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when unsuccessful. """ sim_pre_compiled_libs_path = funcs.get_kwarg('sim_pre_compiled_libs_path', kwargs, self.sim_pre_compiled_libs_path) standard_lib_subpath = funcs.get_kwarg('standard_lib_subpath', kwargs, 'standard') fpga_vendor = funcs.get_kwarg('fpga_vendor', kwargs, 'xilinx') settings_file = funcs.get_kwarg('settings_file', kwargs, '') clean = funcs.get_kwarg('clean', kwargs, False) msim_64bit = funcs.get_kwarg('verilog_sim_libs', kwargs, False) hdl_sim_libs = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_sim_libs', kwargs, dict()) modelsim_installdir = funcs.get_kwarg('modelsim_installdir', kwargs, '') standard_library_path = os.path.join(sim_pre_compiled_libs_path, standard_lib_subpath)'[VUnit] Standard Library Compilation Path: {path}' .format(path=standard_library_path)) if not os.path.exists(standard_library_path): self.logger.warning('[VUnit] Missing Output Path for Standard Libraries: {path}' .format(path=standard_library_path)) self.logger.warning('\tCreating Directory for Standard Libraries...') os.makedirs(standard_library_path) logger.warning('\tCreated Directory for Standard Libraries: {path}' .format(path=standard_library_path)) else:'[VUnit] Using Output Path for Standard Libraries: {path}' .format(path=standard_library_path)) done_token = os.path.join(standard_library_path, 'all_done.txt') if os.path.isfile(done_token): if not clean:'[VUnit] Standard Libraries Already Compiled...')"[VUnit] To Recompile Standard Libraries Use Argument: " "'--clean precompiled_sim'") self.add_standard_libraries(standard_library_path=standard_library_path, hdl_sim_libs=hdl_sim_libs) return True else: self.logger.warning('[VUnit] Cleaning Precompiled Simulation Libraries: {path}' .format(path=standard_library_path)) funcs.clean_path(path=standard_library_path)'[VUnit] Cleaned Precompiled Simulation Libraries: {path}' .format(path=standard_library_path)) tcl_args = list()'[VUnit] Precompiling Standard Libraries into: {path}' .format(path=standard_library_path)) try: simulator_class = SIMULATOR_FACTORY.select_simulator() simname = if fpga_vendor == 'xilinx': if simname == "rivierapro": simname = "riviera" tcl_args.append(simname) tcl_args.append(simulator_class.find_prefix().replace("\\", "/")) tcl_args.append(standard_library_path) if msim_64bit: tcl_args.append('True') else: tcl_args.append('False') except AttributeError: self.logger.critical('[VUnit] Simulator Class Error. Standard Libraries Not Compiled Correctly.') return False if fpga_vendor == 'xilinx':'[VUnit] Running Vivado to Compile Standard HDL Libraries...') fpgavendor_iface.run_vivado(vivado_bin='vivado', mode="batch", tcl_file_name=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tcl', 'compile_standard_libs.tcl'), tcl_args=tcl_args) elif fpga_vendor == 'altera':'[VUnit] Running Quartus ro Compile Standard HDL Libraries...') fpgavendor_iface.run_quartus_sh(quartus_bin='quartus_sh', script_mode=False, tool=simname, language='verilog', modelsim_path=modelsim_installdir, output_path=standard_library_path) fpgavendor_iface.run_quartus_sh(quartus_bin='quartus_sh', script_mode=False, tool=simname, language='vhdl', modelsim_path=modelsim_installdir, output_path=standard_library_path)'Successfully Compiled Standard Libraries') with open(done_token, "w") as fptr: fptr.write("done") self.add_standard_libraries(standard_library_path=standard_library_path, hdl_sim_libs=hdl_sim_libs) return True
[docs] def add_standard_libraries(self, **kwargs): """Adds Standard Simulation Libraries to VUnit This method is derived from : `VUnit supplied example <>`_ Keyword Args: **vunit_obj (obj, optional): A VUnit object. Default value: ```` **standard_library_path (str, optional): Absolute path to the location for precompiled simulation libraries. Default value: ``self.sim_pre_compiled_libs_path`` **hdl_sim_libs (dict): Dictionary of Vendor Standard HDL Libraries to add to VUnit. Returns: bool: ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when unsuccessful. """ vunit_obj = funcs.get_kwarg('vunit_obj', kwargs, standard_library_path = funcs.get_kwarg('standard_library_path', kwargs, list()) hdl_sim_libs = funcs.get_kwarg('hdl_sim_libs', kwargs, dict())'[VUnit] Adding Compiled Standard VHDL and Verilog Libraries to VUnit...,,,') hdl_sim_libs = collections.OrderedDict([('verilog_sim_libs', hdl_sim_libs['verilog_sim_libs']), ('vhdl_sim_libs', hdl_sim_libs['vhdl_sim_libs']), ('sim_libs', hdl_sim_libs['sim_libs'])]) for k, v in hdl_sim_libs.items(): if 'verilog' in k: path = os.path.join(standard_library_path, 'verilog_libs') elif 'vhdl' in k: path = os.path.join(standard_library_path, 'vhdl_libs') else: path = standard_library_path try: if isinstance(v, (list, )): for lib in v: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, lib)):'\t{lib}:{path}' .format(lib=lib, path=os.path.join(path, lib))) vunit_obj.add_external_library(lib, os.path.join(path, lib)) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(standard_library_path, lib)):'\t{lib}:{path}' .format(lib=lib, path=os.path.join(standard_library_path, lib))) vunit_obj.add_external_library(lib, os.path.join(standard_library_path, lib)) else: self.logger.critical('Can Not Find Precompiled Standard Library: [{lib}]' .format(lib=lib)) self.logger.critical('\tTried: {path}' .format(path=os.path.join(path, lib))) self.logger.critical('\tTried: {path}' .format(path=os.path.join(standard_library_path, lib))) except ValueError: self.logger.warning('[VUnit] Skipping. Library Already Exists in VUnit Object: {lib}' .format(lib=lib))
[docs] def compile_project_ip(self, **kwargs): """Compiles FPGA Project Specific IP Simulation Libraries Keyword Args: **project_file (str): Absolute path to project file to parse. **simulation_path (str, optional): Absolute path to the location for simulation path Default value: ``self.simulation_path`` **project_ip_subpath (str, optional): Name of project_ip libraries subpath. Default value: ``'project_ip'`` **msim_setup_script (str, optional): Filename of ``.tcl`` to compile Vendor IP simulation files in Modelsim. Default value: ``'mentor/msim_setup.tcl'`` **top_level_lib (str, optional): Top-level library to add Vendor IP simulation file to in Modelsim, if ``False`` the library name will match the filename, as configured in the generated ``.qip`` file. Default value: ``False`` Returns: None """ project_file = funcs.get_kwarg('project_file', kwargs, None) simulation_path = funcs.get_kwarg('simulation_path', kwargs, self.simulation_path) project_ip_subpath = funcs.get_kwarg('project_ip_subpath', kwargs, 'project_ip') msim_setup_script = funcs.get_kwarg('msim_setup_script', kwargs, 'mentor/msim_setup.tcl') top_level_lib = funcs.get_kwarg('top_level_lib', kwargs, False) if not project_file: self.logger.critical('[VUnit] No Project File Supplied. Vendor IP Simulation Files Not Processed') return None else:'[VUnit] Parsing {project_file} for Vendor IP Simulation' .format(project_file=project_file)) project_ip_path = os.path.join(simulation_path, project_ip_subpath, self.fpga_vendor, self.fpga_toolversion) compile_order_file = os.path.join(project_ip_path, "compile_order.txt")'[VUnit] Compiling Project Vendor IP...')'[VUnit] Project IP Compilation Path: {path}' .format(path=project_ip_path)) if not os.path.exists(project_ip_path):'[VUnit] Creating Path: {path}'.format(path=project_ip_path)) os.makedirs(project_ip_path) if self.fpga_vendor == 'xilinx': pass elif self.fpga_vendor == 'altera':'[VUnit] Generating Quartus Project Compile Order into: {f}' .format(f=compile_order_file))'[VUnit] Setting Up IP Simulation from Quartus Project File...') fpgavendor_iface.run_ip_setup_simulation(exe='ip-setup-simulation', project_file=project_file, output_path=project_ip_path) msim_script = os.path.join(project_ip_path, msim_setup_script) if os.path.isfile(msim_script):'[VUnit] Mentor Modelsim Setup Script Generated Successfully...') else: self.logger.critical('[VUnit] Failed to Find Setup Script: {msim_script}' .format(msim_script=msim_script)) return None line_filter = [self.repo_root] lib_filter = "-work " compile_order_list = list()'[VUnit] Post-Processing Mentor Modelsim Setup Script: {msim_script}' .format(msim_script=msim_script)) # The following line is a workaround to prevent the top-level hdl file being added to # to the simulation compile order file. This file should be present in the simulation as # the hdl file connected to the design being simulated. last_lib = "lvcom$USER_DEFINED_VHDL_COMPILE_OPTIONS$USER_DEFINED_COMPILE_OPTIONS" with open(msim_script, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): for filt in line_filter: if filt in line: src_file = line.split('"')[1::2] lib = line[line.find(lib_filter) + len(lib_filter):-1].replace(" ", "") if last_lib in lib: src_file = [lib.split(last_lib)[1].replace('"', '')]'[VUnit] Top-Level IP HDL File Reached: {src_file}' .format(src_file=src_file[0])) if top_level_lib and top_level_lib != "": lib = top_level_lib else: lib = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(src_file[0])[1])[0] compile_item = '{lib},{f}'.format(lib=lib, f=src_file[0]) self.logger.debug(compile_item) compile_order_list.append(compile_item)'[VUnit] Extracted Compile Order from: {msim_script}' .format(msim_script=msim_script))'[VUnit] Writing Compile Order File: {f}' .format(f=compile_order_file)) with open(compile_order_file, "w") as f: for line in compile_order_list: f.write(line + '\n')'[VUnit] Parsing: {f}' .format(f=compile_order_file)) compile_order, libraries, include_dirs = self.read_compile_order(filename=compile_order_file) self.logger.debug('[VUnit] Compile Order:') for co in compile_order: self.logger.debug('\t{co}'.format(co=co))'[VUnit] Adding Vendor IP Simulation Libraries to VUnit...') for lib in libraries: if "$" in lib: self.logger.critical('[VUnit] Problem Parsing MSIM Result Not Adding Library: {lib}' .format(lib=lib)) else:'\t{lib}' .format(lib=lib)), vhdl_standard="93", allow_duplicate=True) previous_source = None'[VUnit] Adding Vendor IP Simulation Source Files to VUnit...') for lib, fname in compile_order: if "$" in lib: self.logger.critical('[VUnit] Problem Parsing MSIM Result Not Adding: {lib}.{f}' .format(lib=lib, f=fname)) else:'\t{lib}.{f}' .format(lib=lib, f=fname)) is_verilog = fname.endswith(".v") or fname.endswith(".vp") or fname.endswith(".sv") source_file =, no_parse=True, include_dirs=include_dirs if is_verilog else None) source_file.add_compile_option("rivierapro.vcom_flags", ["-dbg"]) source_file.add_compile_option("rivierapro.vlog_flags", ["-dbg"]) if previous_source is not None: source_file.add_dependency_on(previous_source) previous_source = source_file
[docs] def read_compile_order(self, **kwargs): """Read the vendor_ip simulation compile order file and filter out duplicate files Keyword Args: **filename (str): Absolute path to compile order filename to process. Returns: tuple containing: list of str, set, list of str """ filename = funcs.get_kwarg('filename', kwargs, None) compile_order = list() unique = set() include_dirs = set() libraries = set()'[VUnit] Processing Compilation Order File: {f}' .format(f=filename)) with open(filename, "r") as ifile: for line in ifile.readlines(): lib, fname = line.strip().split(",") libraries.add(lib) # Remove duplicates here key = (lib, os.path.basename(fname)) if key in unique: continue unique.add(key) if self.is_verilog_header(fname): include_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(fname)) else: compile_order.append((lib, fname)) return compile_order, libraries, list(include_dirs)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_verilog_header(filename): """Checks if filename indicates the file is a verilog header file. Args: filename (str): Filename to check if it matches the criteria of a verilog header file. Returns: bool: ``True`` if a verilog header file, otherwise ``False`` """ return filename.endswith(".vh") or filename.endswith("_support.v") or filename.endswith("_defines.v")
[docs] def add_vivado_sim_dependencies(self, **kwargs): """Add Vivado simulation dependencies to VUnit object Keyword Args: **vivado_path (str): Absolute path to Vivado. **src_paths (list of str, optional): List of absolute paths to search for dependencies relative to ``vivado_path``. Default value: ``['data/verilog/src']`` **src_files (list of str, optional): List of source file dependencies. Default value: ``['glbl.v']`` **glbl (bool, optional): Include glbl dependency. Default value: ``False`` **glbl_lib (str, optional): Library to add glbl to. Default value: ``'xil_defaultlib'`` **vunit_obj (obj, optional): VUnit object. Default value: ```` Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if unsuccessful """ vivado_path = funcs.get_kwarg('vivado_path', kwargs, False) src_paths = funcs.get_kwarg('src_paths', kwargs, ['data/verilog/src']) src_files = funcs.get_kwarg('src_paths', kwargs, ['glbl.v']) glbl = funcs.get_kwarg('glbl', kwargs, False) glbl_lib = funcs.get_kwarg('glbl_lib', kwargs, 'xil_defaultlib') vunit_obj = funcs.get_kwarg('vunit_obj', kwargs, glbl_flag = False if isinstance(vivado_path, (str, )) and vivado_path != "": self.logger.debug('[VUnit] Vivado Path: {path}'.format(path=vivado_path)) else: self.logger.critical('[VUnit] Incorrect Vivado Path: {path}'.format(path=vivado_path)) return False if glbl: for sp in src_paths: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(vivado_path, sp)) if os.path.exists(path): for f in src_files: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)): full_path = os.path.join(path, f)'[VUnit] Found glbl Source File: {path}' .format(path=full_path))'[VUnit] Adding glbl Support to: {lib}' .format(lib=glbl_lib)) lib = vunit_obj.library(glbl_lib) lib.add_source_file(full_path, no_parse=False) glbl_flag = True break else: glbl_flag = True if glbl_flag: return True else: return False
[docs]def tb_cfg_encode(tb_cfg): """Encodes a VUnit test-case dictionary configuration to a string to pass to VUnit Test-Case String is passed to VHDL test-bench file using the ``encoded_tb_cfg`` generic. Args: tb_cfg (dict) Returns: str """ return ", ".join(["%s:%s" % (key, str(tb_cfg[key])) for key in tb_cfg])
if __name__ == '__main__': pass else: